The current state of culture in many organizations — attempts to improve performance and health are based on outdated, flawed scientific paradigms of human behavior and motivation.
These antiquated approaches, which typically rely on extrinsic motivation, simply do not work. We have found more often than not, that the reason an executive – CEO or otherwise – may not reach their fullest potential or ends up leaving an organization is not due to a lack of technical or leadership skills, but rather due to a cultural or personality mismatch.
Our proprietary cultural alignment survey process helps to identify potential candidates who inherently align with your culture. Conversely, negative results can cause us to eliminate candidates who may be a strong technical fit, but not a good cultural fit. In the end, our process is driven entirely by a candidate being the “right fit” for the role, and “cultural fit” is a key component as to whether we believe they are the “right fit” for your organization.

How We Recruit C-Suite Candidates
Sheer Velocity’s executive search recruiters look at how your company motivates and incentivizes its people and compares that to what environment intrinsically motivates a candidate. Understanding our client’s environment as well as where a candidate has thrived, assists us in determining if there is a comparable match between the two. Learn more about our search process.
Culturally, we look at how your company motivates and incentivizes its people and compare that to what type of motivation the candidate responds to. We look at the type of environments in which the candidate has thrived, so we can assure a solid match between the two.

What is your culture? Did it happen by either default or by design? An organization’s culture plays a significant role in its ability to successfully execute strategic plans. In order to create a strong competitive advantage, CEOs must treat culture as a key business strategy and intentionally focus on creating a thriving culture that aligns people to the mission, vision and core values resulting in an increase in productivity, retention and results.
As business challenges become more complex that require immediate attention such as the restructuring of an organization, changes in senior leadership, changing business models, globalization, mergers and acquisitions, etc., a thriving, high performing culture is imperative in order for the entire organization to perform at their best without skipping a beat. Being intrinsically motivated by your environment will enable an individual and its team to thrive, thus in the end, delivering results to the bottom line.