Executive Integration
Sheer Velocity’s executive recruiters stand ready to help you integrate your newly hired executives so they can hit the ground running. Executive Integration is a critical, “pre-boarding” and onboarding process designed to ensure your new leader arrives fully prepared to secure wins immediately – and avoid costly mistakes. Executive onboarding makes certain that your new leader comes up to speed as quickly as possible.
Recent studies show that attrition rates for new senior leaders are high (some say as high as 50%). What new leaders and managers accomplish – or fail to accomplish – in the first 90 days dramatically impacts the likelihood of their long-term success. Moreover, it takes six to nine months before a new leader is returning value to the hiring organization. What kind of return on your investment would you have if you reduced that time to productivity of your new hire by 50%?
Our groundbreaking Executive Integration process is based on the book Before Onboarding: How to Integrate New Leaders for Quick and Sustained Results, written by our Executive onboarding expert and veteran executive search recruiter, Michael Burroughs.

Should you choose to take advantage of our Executive Integration process, it will begin immediately after an offer is accepted, and will conclude 90 days after your new leader’s start date. Prior to the start date, Michael Burroughs or one of our executive recruiters will meet with and interview your new hire’s boss (or board), peers and direct reports. Insights from these extensive interviews will be compiled into a custom Blueprint for Success, and then provided to the transitioning executive who will also be debriefed by us — all BEFORE his or her start date. On Day One, your new leader will hold a team kick-off meeting. Follow-up meetings with his or her boss (or board) will take place at 30, 60 and 90-day intervals, to ensure close alignment with his or her Blueprint for Success.

“The organization that desires to quickly capitalize on its investment of a just-hired executive will gain greatly by having Michael Burroughs conduct his Executive Integration process prior to the start date of an executive he has recruited.
This unique process offers an immediate and strategic opportunity for executive and organizational success that is different from any other approach. Via exhaustive interviews with the incoming executive’s new boss, peers and immediate subordinates, we are able to provide the executive with in-depth information and observations designed to guide the new leader through the first days of employment. The new leader arrives on the start date prepared to begin problem solving immediately with her/his team. Trust is built quickly and any early phase communication gaps are virtually eliminated.
In addition to gaining “critical-to-know” information, the new executive, her/his peers, and immediate subordinates are able to communicate in a non-threatening climate. The process culminates on the start date with a meeting held with the new executive’s subordinates during which much information is exchanged. Problems needing solutions are immediately addressed by the team and leader on that first day. This would not be possible without this valuable process on the back end of an executive search. It is a significant value added component of an executive search project, one that I have never seen before, and significantly increases the likelihood of both short and long-term success.”
Sue Wilkerson, Senior Vice President, Human Resources, Missouri Botanical Garden.